Nutritive and Antinutritive Values of Fermented Guinea Corn (Sorghum bicolor L.) Fortified with Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterranea L.) Flour
Sorghum-ogi, bambara groundnut, fortification, nutritional qualityAbstract
The fermented guinea corn (Sorghum bicolor L) is a processed “ogi baba” and a popular starchy porridge in the west coasts of Africa. Although it is consumed by both young and old as a breakfast cereal, its main use is as weaning food for infants. In this study, the nutritive values of “ogi baba” from a composite mixture of guinea corn and bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L) were evaluated using standard processing techniques. Sorghum flour was substituted with bambara flour at ratios of 90:10, 80:20, 70:30 and 60:40 guinea corn:bambara groundnut; with 100% sorghum–ogi and 100% bambara groundnut flours as controls. The results showed that the contents of ash, crude fat, crude protein and crude fibre were enhanced with increased bambara groundnut flour substitution. All the nutritive minerals such as Na, K, Ca, Mg and P also recorded increased concentrations in the fortified samples. Harmful metals such as cadmium and lead were not at detectable range of atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The total essential amino acids ranged from 28.74–37.14 g/100g crude protein or from 43.70–44.26% of the TAA while 60:40 substitution ratio has the best essential amino acid score values amongst the fortified samples based on the provisional FAO/WHO standards. There were decrease in the values of saponins, phytate, oxalate and alkaloids in the fortified samples compared with the controls. The results of sugars showed that there was gradual increase in the total sugar concentration with increased bambara groundnut flour substitution from 1.54 g/100g (90:10 ratio) reaching 2.41 g/100g (60:40 ratio).
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