Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

The FULafia Journal of Science and Technology specifically adopts and strives to adhere to the COPE - Committee on Publication Ethics



An author is an individual who has significantly contributed to the development of a manuscript.



Individuals who participated in the development of a manuscript, but do not qualify as an author should be acknowledged. Organizations that provide support in terms of funding and/or other resources should also be acknowledged.


Changes in authorship

Whenever there is a need to make changes in the authorship of a manuscript or a published article, the changes will be implemented according to COPE specifications. Only corresponding authors can make a request for a change in authorship.

Submission of Manuscript

Authors should read the “Instruction for Authors” on the journal’s page before making a submission. The manuscript should be prepared according to the style and specifications prescribed in the Guidelines to Authors. Authors listed on the manuscript should have met the requirements for Authorship specified above. All authors should approve the final version of the manuscript prior to submission. Once a manuscript is submitted, it is therefore assumed that all authors have read and given their approval for the submission of the manuscript.

Declaration of Conflicts of Interest should be stated in the manuscript.

Submission should be made online at https://lafiascijournals.org.ng/index.php/fjst/ using the Journal submission form.


Conflict of interest

“Conflict of interest (COI) exists when there is a divergence between an individual’s private interests (competing interests) and his or her responsibilities to scientific and publishing activities such that a reasonable observer might wonder if the individual’s behavior or judgment was motivated by considerations of his or her competing interests”.

Reviewers should disclose any conflict of interest and if necessary, decline the review of any manuscript they perceive to have a conflict of interest. Editors should also decline to consider any manuscript that may have a conflict of interest. Such manuscripts will be re-assigned to other editors.


A submitted manuscript is confidential material. FJST will not disclose the submitted manuscript to anyone except individuals who partake in the processing and preparation of the manuscript for publication (if accepted). These individuals include editorial staff, corresponding authors, potential reviewers, actual reviewers, and editors.  However, in suspected cases of misconduct, a manuscript may be revealed to members of FJST’s ethics committee and institutions/organizations that may require it for the resolution of the misconduct.


Peer review

The review process is an important aspect of the publication process of an article. It helps an editor in making decisions on an article and also enables the author to improve the manuscript. FJST has in place a double-blind review process.

The identity of the author(s) is removed from the manuscript and shielded from the reviewers during the review process. The reviewer is left with only the manuscript without any information that might enable him/her to uncover the identity of the author(s).

Manuscripts are assigned to members of the editorial board of the journal or other competent reviewers from within and outside Nigeria. The review process is done using the Manuscript Management System. Reviewers make one of the following recommendations:

  •   Accept As Is
  •   Requires Minor Corrections
  •   Requires Moderate Revision
  •   Requires Major Revision
  •   Submit To Another Publication Such As
  •   Reject on grounds of (Please be specific)


A Review Certificate is issued to reviewers after the review of the manuscript.

The review reports are sent to the authors. However, reviewers’ identity is removed from the review reports. The author(s) is left with only the review reports/recommendations without any information that might enable him/her to uncover the identity of the reviewers. A minimum of two review reports are required per manuscript.

On receipt of the author(s) revised manuscript, the original manuscript, the revised manuscript and the review reports are sent to the editor. The editor makes one of the following decisions:

  1. Accept
  2. A Review of the Manuscript
  3. Reject

 If a manuscript is “Accepted”, an Acceptance Certificate is issued to the author(s) and the manuscripts are processed for publication.

If a manuscript is rejected, the authors are informed of the decision and no further processing is done on the manuscript.

If a manuscript requires review or improvement, it is sent to the author(s) with the editor’s recommendation for further revision. The editor makes a final decision on the revised to “Accept” or “Reject” the manuscript.


Misconduct constitutes a violation of this editorial policy or the publication ethics. Similarly, any other activities that portend/compromise the integrity of the research or publication process are potential misconduct.


Correction and retraction of articles

Corrections may be made to a published article with the authorization of the editorial board.

The FULafia Journal of Science and Technology can review and assess this editorial policy from time to time.


Article Processing Charges

The author (s) of an accepted manuscript will be required to pay an article processing charge of N30,000.00 for local authors or US$100 for foreign authors.